Your practitioner will prepare the area to be treated with a thorough cleanse. They will then position the machine over the area and turn it on. You will feel like the sun is shining on your face and it should be relaxing. The Dermalux™ treatment is usually around 20 minutes. Your practitioner may use different light modes depending on what you are having the treatment for. These are:
Dermalux™ LED Red which has been specifically developed to have an anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. It’s a fantastic treatment for people with sensitive skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and rosacea.
Dermalux™ LED Blue which has substantial anti-bacterial properties that cleanse and purify acne to regulate oil production in the skin. A perfect treatment for those who suffer with regular breakouts.
Dermalux™ LED Near Infra-Red which is absorbed in the skin’s deepest layers and stimulates cellular activity with advanced rejuvenation benefits. It also increases blood circulation, which brings vital oxygen and nutrients to help your skin repair itself and calm irritation as well as make your skin stronger.